Growing the experience and expanding the universe of Half-Eaten into an animated series. Exploring the dark side of The Donut Shop, living in a world where the metaverse is life. What is the UNITY line? The Donutinati's secretive practices must be exposed! Lore is hidden across every aspect of Half-Eaten.
Submit a demo - All entries will be vetted and holders will vote.
Showoff your NFT in the series. Submit to have holders vote.
Series 2 expanding the Half-Eaten universe
Unlock all its hidden secrets
Bringing your Half-Eaten fit into the physical world. Every piece you see in the Half-Eaten NFT is in play for the line.
Holders are involved with every addition to the line. You have the power to vote on pieces to add.
Exclusive holder access
Limited runs
Seasonal runs
Art Director and Illustrator with over 14 years experience. Working in design with some of the biggest brands around the world. Animating since 2017.
Content creator since 2017, with social media and marketing experience.
With over 20 years in the industry, Oven has collaborated with major brands such as Mattel, Line Friends and Netflix, & has worked on shows from Looney Toons to Bob's Burgers with more than a bakers dozen of accreditations